MixMeister Fusion And Video 7.3.2

MixMeister Fusion And Video 7.3.2
MixMeister Fusion + Video is the ultimate audio and video mixing system for live DJ performances. Built on top of our groundbreaking MixMeister Fusion software, this add-on module lets you mix full-motion, beat-matched videos right alongside your audio mix. Place music videos in your playlist just like audio files, and Fusion will let you beat mix them, loop them and manipulate them on the fly. Play hands-on or hands-off. Fusion + Video lets you control exact video sequences and transitions, or you can use the montage builder to automatically create video mixes in perfect sync with the beat. This feature is perfect for displaying lots of short ambient or psychadelic clips in sync with a song.


- Native Mac OSX version is universal binary for PowerPC or Intel processors
- Improved time stretching accurately matches beats with fast or slow tempos
- Enhanced timeline display provides clear division of measures
- Effect automation via MIDI controllers � External hardware can now manipulate effect parameters
- Support for stored EQ settings in transition templates for advanced users
- Fade and Cue Next feature fades and pauses your mix then starts at the next track � prefect for voice over announcements
- New master volume control for preview output � headphone and main out can be controlled independently
- Play a live set while you preview any moment in your upstream mix
- Manipulate your mix in real time with a wide range of MIDI hardware controllers
- See your music take shape with an advanced timeline view
- VST audio effects (included) to process part of a track or your entire mix
- Mix up to 8 songs simultaneously with perfect sync
- Play with on�the�fly looping and remixing functions
- Change the tempo of a song without changing key
- Burn a flawless copy of your set to CD


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